I just HAVE to start my story with this one.

What do you think would happen if you tweet the Minister of External Affairs of India when you couldn’t get your passport made in time?

She dials a couple of numbers here and there and BOOM! You’ve your passport ready in no time.

Yes, that’s what Rahul Gupta of Appointy did. While the rest of the office was packing up for the trip to Singapore, and he had no passport, he decided to go with this crazy idea and it worked.


That’s right. At Appointy, we have it all; Rebels, Professional pilots, IIM-A graduates and of course, office-sponsored trips to Singapore!

Before the trip, everyone was really excited by the idea of it, but the most excited was Lovely. On a scale of 0-10, she was a 19 on excitement. That’s because it was her first trip abroad. And as excited as she was, her family was equally scared for her. We know this how? Well, because we had a very long and very emotional farewell from her family at the airport. And we left with a bag full of home-made snacks from her mom’s kitchen. (Which came back untouched, obviously.)


As of how Lovely survived in Singapore, she had the trip of her life, wandered till three in the night, danced until she dropped and never wanted to come back.

Since all of us were checking off things from our bucket list, we decided to have lunch at the best hotel in Singapore. So, we made reservations at Hotel Marina Bay Sands. But as fate would have it, right before we were leaving for the much-planned, much-awaited lunch, there was a hack attack on our servers. So, Nemesh and Kushal had to stay back at the hotel fixing the issue while the rest of us waited for them at the Marina Bay sands. They managed to come back just as the buffet was about to be closed, and everyone ended up running around to help them fill their plates.


Be it the fun at the Singapore Flyer, or Sohail and Yogi enjoying every ride thrice at the Universal Studios, or Shivangi’s overpriced ice cream from Ben n Jerries, we left no opportunity to try anything and everything that Singapore had to offer.



The greatest experience for us was watching people transform. It was fascinating to watch how Appointy could enable such a great transformation.  Working together could’ve never led to the kind of belongingness that we felt while we were trying new food and exploring new places together.

Once we’ve had the taste of good life, we aspire to achieve it. Appointy aims at making this kinds of experiences a day to day occurrence.

We make sure that Singapore or No-Singapore, life at Appointy is elevating yet entertaining.